Diari del Campus de Bàsquet de L'Escala (1r torn)

Els nois i noies participants en els Campus de Bàsquet estiu 2016 de la Federació Catalana de Basquetbol (FCBQ) ens posen al dia amb els seus diaris i fotografies.

12-07-2016 00:00

Thursday, July 14: Today, we had a normal day, up until after lunch. We walked down to the beach, and completed a Gymkhana. We had to spread yogurt and ketchup on ourselves, then roll in the sand! We cracked eggs on our heads, and on our friends' heads too! Then, we headed up to the gymnasium, where we had a Fantasy Shot challenge, along with a Free Throw challenge. The ruled were simple: shoot and score as many free throws as possible without missing two in a row. The record was 104 free throws! Then, we went back to the hostal, where we had a boys vs. girls dancing, singing and trivia competition. We tried as hard as we could, but in the end, the girls won, and  with that, got bragging rights as well as having the boys as their servants the whole next day! 

-Sebas and Toni grup 6

Dijous 14 de juliol: Avui hem tingut un dia normal fins l'hora de dinar. Hem anat a la platja a fer una Gimcana. Hem llençat iogurt i ketchup i tirar-nos per la sorra. Ens hem explotat ous al nostre cap i al dels nostres amics!! 

Després hem anat cap al pavelló on hem fet el Fantasy Shot Challenge juntament amb una competició de tirs lliures. Les normes eren simples: anotar tants com fos possible sense fallar-ne dos de seguits. El record ha estat 104 tirs lliures!!

Llavors hem tornat a l'alberg i hem fet una competició de cant, ball i trivial nois contra noies. Ho hem intentat tan com hem pogut però finalment han guanyat elles i ens ha tocat ser els seus cambrers durant tot el dia!!

Wednesday, July 13: There was a different training schedule today: we rotated around the court and practiced different ways to pass the ball. In English, we had fun learning with Albert and Maria about muscles and ways of stretching. We had to rest right after lunch because the 3v3 tournament was coming up. It was really fun, but very long and tiring. Roy got to the final but unfortunately didn't win, whereas Oscar made it to the quarter finals. We had lots of fun playing anyways!

Dimecres 13 de juliol: Ha estat un dia diferent a l'entrenament: hem rotat per estacions a la pista practicant diferents maneres de fer passades. A Anglès ho hem passat bé aprenent els músculs i diferents maneres d'estirar. Hem hagut de descansar després de dinar perque s'acostava una competició de 3x3. Ha estat molt divertida pero molt llarga i cansada. El Roy ha jugat la final però no l'ha pogut guanyar mentre l'Oscar ha arribat fins a quarts de final. Tot i així ens ho hem passat molt bé! 

Roy i Oscar, grup 3

Tuesday, July 12: Today, after English class, we spent a lot of time at the beach and had a really good time. After eating lunch, we played in the patio with a ball, and waited to go up the indoor courts. At the courts, we had a shooting competition, and afterwards, we continued the 5v5 competition. We ate supper, and went to the beach, where we had a sandcastle building contest. They even threw Thais and Albert into the water! It was really funny to watch. 

Dimarts 12 de juliol: Avui després de la classe d'anglès hem passat una estona a la platja i ens ho hem passat realment bé. Després de dinar hem jugat al pati amb la pilota tot esperant per anar cap al pavelló. Un cop allà hem fet competicions de tir i, posteriorment, hem continuat la competició de 5 contra 5. Hem sopat i anat a la platja on hem fet concurs de castells de sorra. Els entrenadors van tirar la Thais i a l'Albert (una entrenadora i l'english teacher) a l'aigua...va ser divertit de veure!!!

-Maria i Laura del grup 7

Monday, July 11: Today we went kayaking with Sonia and the rest of our group. It was really hot, but also super fun, we got to joke around with our new friends. Then, in the afternoon, we started the Olympic Games. We all got assigned different countries to represent, and then we played 5v5 against all the other countries. We also did a 1v1 tournament, which was tiring but entertaining as well. Finally, after eating supper, we walked down to the beach and built human towers and structures. We had different pictures as guidelines to follow. All in all, today was a good day!

See you!!

David, Àlex and Albert from group 4.

Dilluns 11 de juliol: Avui hem anat a fer Kayak amb la Sonia i la resta del grup. Feia molta calor pero era molt divertit anar bromejant amb els nostres amics. A la tarda hem començat els Jocs Olímpics. Ens han assignat diferent països als que representem i juguem 5 contra 5 contra tots els altres països. També hem fet una competició de 1 contra 1 que era cansada però també divertida. Finalment, després de sopar, hem anat a la platja i hem fet construccions humanes. Teníem diferents dibuixos que havíem de seguir.

En resum, ha estat un bon dia!

Ens veiem!!

David, Àlex i Albert del grup 4

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